ACV Cure Lotion
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, ion-futynic lactic and propionic acids, those give its completely harmless and natural, but extremely intensive antiseptic and anti-biotic effect, which is accompanied with astringent effect, that is very favorable right after epilation/depilation to avoid bacterial contamination. The same characteristic makes it very useful homecare product, since the regular usage of the lotion eliminate skin surface disorders (inflamination, acnes, redness, etc.) resulting nice, clean, healthy looking skin. To reach this also the healing effect of the vinegar helps.
ACV also helps with marks and wounds, (also assists in healing deep and open wounds) varicose veins, thread veins and skin lesions improve because of the balancing effect the apple cider vinegar have on the collagen matrix and supportive structures.
Pandhy's ACV Cure Lotion 150ml
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